Alfie Evans Told To Die

April 25, 2018 — Leave a comment

via Alfie Evans

In case you have not been following this story:

Alfie Evans has a brain disorder. He has been at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool since December 2016. Doctors have not been able to diagnose him and therefore have not treated him, except for providing ventilator support. Alfie has been on and off of the ventilator since being admitted to Alder Hey.

Last December, the hospital sued Alfie’s parents to have Alfie’s ventilator removed, saying it was in the toddler’s “best interest” to die. The judge agreed.

Alfie’s father appealed to the Vatican for help. Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome agreed to take Alfie as a transfer patient.

The judge issued a travel ban prohibiting Alfie from leaving England. Alder Hey removed Alfie’s ventilator on April 23, 2018.

Alfie did not die. He continues to breathe on his own. But the hospital insists that Alfie be made dead. Now they are starving him–all in the name of “dignity” of course.

But this is not dignity. This is not health care. This is not about Alfie’s “best interest.” This is MURDER.


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