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Knowing what we know now, doesn’t this speech make more sense?


via Knowing What We Know Now, We Must Remind Ourselves….

Knowing What We Know Now, We Must Remind Ourselves….

Aha… Now I See

September 19, 2017 — Leave a comment

Now I See 

A few months ago I had what some would call a revelation.  You can judge for yourself but suddenly a lot of my life experiences came together. A big Aha moment. 

I haven’t written on the “lie of brain death” in over a year. Even today as I was researching for this post, I feel SICK at my stomach. I have flashbacks to what we experienced at Vanderbilt when my son, Jamie was forced to be removed from the ventilator. 

A little background

From the time I was in high school, I have always had a pull on my heart towards injustice. Back in my high school days, we were not allowed to wear pants to school. (I know shocking, right?) 

One of my high school teachers, Mrs. Howard (who always had a scripture on the blackboard every day) Again shocking. Well, Mrs. Howard had assigned us a project of writing a proposal on what we would like to see changed in our high school, Paducah-Tilghman and the steps to go about it. 

I can’t remember the details of what I wrote but the theme was, we should be allowed to wear slacks on days the temperature was below 32 degrees. Sounds crazy now since I have lived in Michigan for 37 years and that doesn’t seem cold me to me anymore. 

My proposal won and I was invited to present my case to the Principal. 

With fear and trepidation, I walked into the principal’s office and advocated for my case. The rule change was accepted and we could now wear long pants to school on the days the temperature was below 32 degrees. 

I share that little slice of my life to show that even at the young age of 15-16 I had a passion to speak up when I saw things that I felt were wrong and needed to be changed. I went on to get my college degree being in Social Work from the University of Kentucky. Even though I only worked professionally in Social Work for a few years I was able to use those skills. That God-given passion and drive has quietly pushed me forward in my advocacy for the voices of those who can not speak for themselves. 

My Aha Moment

I know it sounds cliche’ but when you get to be as old as I am, we are able to look back and see our lives are truly a journey. Our journey is not straight by any means but is shaped by many turning points, and ups and downs. Our journey in life can be similar to viewing the backside of a gorgeous tapestry. It is a jumbled mess of stitches and knots some long, some short and nothing really makes sense.The backside is far from beautiful. 

But when you turn the tapestry over you can see the astonishing beauty of what God has done in your life along the journey. 

The truth is that we rarely see what God sees, but occasionally  He gives us a glimpse at what He has woven into the fabric of our life.

One of my favorite parts of the movie, The Shack was when Sarayu takes Mack to the garden and he says, “it is mess” as he was looking at the weeds. Sarayu laughs and says yes it is but we see it as beautiful. When they are walking into the garden with the camera shots at ground level it does look like a garden that needs weeding and care. However, as the camera zooms out you can see one, big beautiful garden all detailed and ordered…perfection. The garden in the Shack

Classified Woman

Sibel Edmonds, A Classified Woman This last year I began to follow a lady on Twitter name Sibel Edmonds. I really liked what she tweeted and after a while began to do more research on her. I came across her book, The Classified Woman written in 2012. 

The events that happened to Sibel when she was hired as a translator for the FBI after 9/11 are almost unbelievable and too shocking for words. I’m not going to tell her story, just buy and read the book. I could not do it justice. But, wow the impact it had on my life was shocking and a real eye-opener. 

One day while reading Classified Woman, Christa and I were walking out of the Saline Rec Center and tears were running down my eyes. I could not hold them back. 

Christa said, “mom, what is wrong?” 

“I feel like everything I have been taught is a lie.”

Christa said, “mom, stop reading THAT book if it is going to make you so sad and upset.” 


How do you put truth back in a bottle once you know it? How do you deny what is right before your eyes? How do you stop believing when you know the truth?” 

“Ok, mom, I get it, but I hate to see you this upset over a book,” Christa said. 

You see my aha moment was this: suddenly it all fell into place and involved ALL the issues I have cared about in my journey. It was like the camera zooming out in the Shack and I could suddenly see an orderly pattern. 

  • the taking of a human life in abortion, 
  • the medical fiction of “brain death”, 
  • the harvesting of organs from people not truly dead, 
  • the corruption of CPS and the foster care system,
  • the medical kidnapping of children, 
  • the incestuous relationship of the CDC, the FDA and Big Pharma, 
  • the refusal of the scientific community to research on the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children,
  • the eroding of our public school education
  • loss of parental rights 

All those individual horrifying issues suddenly came together as one, and I realized that they were ALL interconnected under the name of lies, deception, and corruption. I’m not gonna smooth it over… it hit me hard, like a ton of bricks. 

How could this be? 

When you look above at the issue I have advocated for over the years they look so different, but they are really not. Like spokes on a wheel, they all revolve around the core of false truths and systemic corruption. Most of it starting and ending laws we have allowed our government to codify. Laws that squeeze our freedom and liberty as individuals. Laws that justify killing, the taking of human life when it is simply NOT our job. It makes me sick and grieves my soul.

But….this quote from Sibel is so pointed

Once you see the dark side—whether catching a glimpse or being locked behind one of its infinite doors—you cannot go back, put it behind or pretend it never existed. You can try, but it doesn’t work. The more we know, the better our chances to conquer it, to reclaim what is lost or threatened. It will always be an uphill battle, of that there can be no doubt, but none of us should ever give up hope; too much is at stake, the price of silence too steep. Edmonds, Sibel D. Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir

Our Hope

Go into ALL the WORLD and preach the gospel is not limited to simply praying the sinner’s prayer and sitting in church.  What we believe and practice privately is also applicable to All of public life. 

We as Christians are called to be salt and light. Salt permeates and preserves. Light exposes darkness.  Expressing Christ in the culture is one of the things God has called believers to do.

Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come ON earth as it is in heaven.”

God wants our lives to be expressed in ALL human culture. Going into all the world being salt and light includes many things….art, medicine, politic’s, social justice etc… 

Very few people are called to fight all the evil we see in the world, but we can ALL fight for truth when we see it and know it. I am grateful that all these issues were not revealed to me ALL at once, but one by one I became aware over the last 37 years. 

By letting our lights shine and being a voice for the innocent and our children we can all be apart of exposing the darkness. Instead of screaming at the TV in your living room (which is nothing but a propaganda machine churning out lies) find your calling.  

Be a light, expose the darkness…do not bury your head in the sand and think it will just go away or someone else will do it. 

It won’t and they won’t. 

We are here for a purpose. 

TODAY we live in a generation that advocates participation trophies, heightened vaccination schedules, social engineering, Identity politics, globalist indoctrination, socialism, spying, government oppression, killing babies, selling their body parts, and the media’s lies and fear mongering.  

We can’t let the generation we are living in keep us quiet by hiding the truth under a bushel. 

When I first started writing on the “brain death” lie and what my research had found, it was hard and it was a lot of fear and trepidation. Don’t you think I knew it was going against the grain?  

Martin Luther said it so eloquently,  

“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except that little point which the world and the Devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.” 

Thoughts from Job and Hurricane Irma

Screen Shot 2017-09-09 at 11.40.53 AMI found the Book of Job very comforting to me during the loss of so many of our family members lives. This morning as I was praying for my many friends in Florida I began reading it again. 

If you didn’t know, Job was a good man who bore unbearable tragedies. After suffering so much, he and his friends try to figure out why such disasters would happen to him. 

The book of Job asks us to look beyond blame, accept uncertainty, and trust God for what we cannot see or control. Basically look to Him in the midst of the storm.

Job was a wealthy man whose possessions included 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yokes of oxen, 500 female donkeys, and tons of servants. 

Job also had 7 sons and three daughters. 

He lost them ALL for awhile….

Job 38  (Message Bible) Job 38 and the bible

 Job had been begging God to speak to him and God finally spoke from the EYE OF THE VIOLENT STORM:

 “Why do you confuse the issue?

    Why do you talk without knowing what you’re talking about?

Pull yourself together, Job!

    Up on your feet! Stand tall!

I have some questions for you,

    and I want some straight answers.

Where were you when I created the earth?

    Tell me, since you know so much!

Who decided on its size? Certainly, you’ll know that!

    Who came up with the blueprints and measurements?

How was its foundation poured,

    and who set the cornerstone,

While the morning stars sang in chorus

    and all the angels shouted praise?

And who took charge of the ocean

    when it gushed forth like a baby from the womb?

That was me! I wrapped it in soft clouds,

    and tucked it in safely at night.

Then I made a playpen for it,

    a strong playpen so it couldn’t run loose,

And said, ‘Stay here, this is your place.

    Your wild tantrums are confined to this place.’

 “And have you ever ordered Morning, ‘Get up!’

    told Dawn, ‘Get to work!’

So you could seize Earth like a blanket

    and shake out the wicked like cockroaches?

As the sun brings everything to light,

    brings out all the colors and shapes,

The cover of darkness is snatched from the wicked—

    they’re caught in the very act!

 “Have you ever gotten to the true bottom of things,

    explored the labyrinthine caves of the deep ocean?

Do you know the first thing about death?

    Do you have one clue regarding death’s dark mysteries?

And do you have any idea how large this earth is?

    Speak up if you have even the beginning of an answer.

 “Do you know where Light comes from

    and where Darkness lives

So you can take them by the hand

    and lead them home when they get lost?

Why, of course, you know that.

    You’ve known them all your life,

    grown up in the same neighborhood with them!

 “Have you ever traveled to where snow is made,

    seen the vault where hail is stockpiled,

The arsenals of hail and snow that I keep in readiness

    for times of trouble and battle and war?

Can you find your way to where lightning is launched,

    or to the place from which the wind blows?

Who do you suppose carves canyons

    for the downpours of rain, and charts

    the route of thunderstorms

That bring water to unvisited fields,

    deserts no one ever lays eyes on,

Drenching the useless wastelands

    so they’re carpeted with wildflowers and grass?

And who do you think is the father of rain and dew,

    the mother of ice and frost?

You don’t for a minute imagine

    these marvels of weather just happen, do you?

 “Can you catch the eye of the beautiful Pleiades sisters,

    or distract Orion from his hunt?

Can you get Venus to look your way,

    or get the Great Bear and her cubs to come out and play?

Do you know the first thing about the sky’s constellations

    and how they affect things on Earth?

 “Can you get the attention of the clouds,

    and commission a shower of rain?

Can you take charge of the lightning bolts

    and have them report to you for orders?

What Do You Have to Say for Yourself?

 “Who do you think gave weather-wisdom to the ibis,

    and storm-savvy to the rooster?

Does anyone know enough to number all the clouds

    or tip over the rain barrels of heaven

When the earth is cracked and dry,

    the ground baked hard as a brick?

 “Can you teach the lioness to stalk her prey

    and satisfy the appetite of her cubs

As they crouch in their den,

    waiting hungrily in their cave?

And who sets out food for the ravens

    when their young cry to God,

    fluttering about because they have no food?”

Before and after afflictions So the LORD blessed Job in the second half of his life EVEN MORE than in the beginning. Job now had 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 teams of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys.

So God gave Job double of what he lost.

However, he only gave Job back 7 sons and 3 daughters, which the SAME amount he lost. 

I always wondered why? Until

I realized that Jobs other children were still ALIVE in heaven. 

After this, Job lived 140 years and saw his sons and his grandsons, four generations. 

Then he died, an old man who had lived a long, full life.

We will all suffer in this life.  It is appointed to mankind to suffer. It is a fallen world.  We may not know the “why” today but some day we probably will.  Instead of asking “why”, we should ask “what”.

What is God up to?

What is God trying to do in me?

The “why” will have to wait for someday in eternity.

My prayer for my Florida friends today is that you will be safe and run into the arms of the one who is waiting, the great comforter.  In the midst of violent hurricanes or calm, normal days He is there and He is Lord and in control. 

*If you are interested in more of Job, what else happened to him, what his friends tried to convince him was wrong and other things he said, this is a good place to start.*

Read more:

Three clicks for ChadTough

I have a HUGE favor to ask you all today. It won’t cost you a dime and only 3 clicks of your time for the next 2 weeks. 

September of 2014 a little boy from Saline, Michigan captured my heart, he reminded me so much of my Jamie with his blonde hair and sparkling eyes. His name was Chad Carr. 

Chad had been diagnosed with cancer that eventually took his life called DIPG or Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. 

There is NO CURE  for this pediatric brain cancer. 

Did you know that ONLY 4% of all cancer research goes to children’s cancer research at our National Institute of Health? Think on that next time you see the TV commercials with kids in them.


The mission of The ChadTough Foundation is to fund research and raise awareness for Pediatric Brain Tumors with an emphasis on Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) 

How you can help

Infiniti Coaches Challenge

Here is how you can help.  Infiniti is sponsoring a contest to see which basketball coach can win money for their charity of choice. Coach Beilein from the University of Michigan has chosen the Chad Tough Foundation. 

Many of us have been helping for weeks, we are now down to the fourth and last round. 

The winner of the ESPN challenge will win 100,000.

We need your help for the next 2 weeks to win  $100,000 for the ChadTough Foundation to continue to research a cure for DIPG in kids. 

I’m not asking for money JUST  3 clicks of your mouse. I haven’t missed a day even when I had that awful flu. 

30 seconds of YOUR time to help find a cure for Pediatric Brain Cancer, especially DIPG. Watch the short video below and commit to:

3 clicks = $100,000 to help kids like Chad and give them hope. 

Vote Coach John Beilein


The ChadTough Foundation

Please share on Facebook and Twitter.

VOTE Coach Beilein

Why is everyone shocked at the harvesting of babies organs?

Disgusted yes? Horrified yes? But, shocked? No, I am not.

In January 1999, Life Site News posted a article by Celeste McGovern called, Secrets of the Dead-Baby Industry

Price list for babies livers

Aborted fetuses are being dissected alive, harvested and SOLD in pieces to fuel a vast research enterprise.

Take a peak at the for profit business Stem Express and you can see the order form for a liver and other organs. In their own words,

“StemExpress is a multi-million dollar company that supplies human blood, tissue products, primary cells and other clinical specimens to biomedical researchers around the world to fuel regenerative medicine and translational research. Founded in 2010, we offer the largest variety of raw material in the industry, as well as fresh, fixed and cryopreserved human primary cells.”

Same argument for organs harvested from people pronounced, “Brain Dead”

Order form for baby partsWell if they are already dead, then why bury the parts in the grave, let them be used to help someone else.

How altruistic it sounds but in BOTH cases the life of someone is taken in order to donate their organs and tissues.

Whenever you read a story about a person “donating” an unpaired major organ, the “donor” has to be killed. Major organs like the heart and liver are not vital or can NOT be used when “harvested” from a cadaver.

The person has to be alive with a living, beating heart circulating blood throughout the body in order to keep the other major organs alive.

There are no hearts, livers, pancreases, kidneys that are harvested from truly dead individuals. That person must be “kept alive” until his organs are harvested.

The last organ taken is the heart because that is what kills the “donor.”

You can’t live without a heart.


Personally I have been active in the pro-life movement for 40 years. I have picked Planned Parenthood, stood with Operation Rescue, counseled  woman in a Pregnancy Counseling Center, and helped facilitate an adoption.

Someone told me recently my name was still on a tree outside Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor, Missy Caulk do NOT trespass.

However, before I was active in the pro-life movement  I had an abortion. It was around the time abortion in America became legal. It was before I KNEW it was a baby and NOT a blob of tissue. I sinned. But, God forgave me when I understood and could repent of what I had done. I know I will meet my child in heaven one day.

Selling organs from a baby to a adult severely injured person is big business

Someone asked me once what I hoped to get out of this blog and my response was to help save lives from birth to natural death.  To help educate the masses who don’t understand that “brain death” is a legal fiction, made up to justify killing of people who are severely injured but not DEAD.

For you created my inmost being;

    you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalms 139:13

 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

    your works are wonderful,

    I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

My frame was not hidden from you

    when I was made in the secret place  Psalm 139:15

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Psalm 139:16

organ trafficking cost chart

Success Stories

More on the selling of baby parts

Organ Donation category 

Organ Donation Facts and Life Guardian Foundation 

There is no sin too big that can not be forgiven. If you have had an abortion God can and will forgive you IF you ask. I think most people know this and the harder thing to do is to forgive yourself. God does not want you to go through life punishing yourself for your abortion or for any other wrong you have done. The blood shed on the cross is powerful to heal. Jesus paid the price for our sin, so we don’t have to.

These are not blobs of tissue, they are babies who have a heartbeat and a brain. The brain and spinal cord begins to form at 5 weeks or 3 weeks AFTER conception. (Mayo Clinic)

If you watch the video produced by The Center of Medical Progress the brain of the baby is highly desirable. The doctors performing try to turn the baby’s head so they don’t crush it. I found this interesting since doctor’s are so quick to pronounce someone “brain-dead.”

The law on selling any organs

May God use the national exposure to change hearts and laws across the nation.